Explore your job opportunities

Are you looking for a job or looking for staff? We make the whole process smoother and faster. We offer tailored career guidance and recruitment services.

Our services

JTC gives results since 2018


Coached candidates


Co-operating companies

We have provided consultants to, among others

Our mission and history

JTC Linked was founded by Nelly Andersson as part of JTC group, an international recruitment agency based in Spain.

Our most important mission is to give you the tools to find your place in the labour market. Nelly believes that everyone has a place in the labour market - whether you've been a director of a large company, a sole trader in a small town, or recently arrived in Sweden with your family. We are here to support you throughout the process and help you reach your full potential. Wherever you start, we'll be by your side to create a path that's right for you.

Recruitment for a global market

JTC Linked AB is a matching, transition and staffing company based in Stockholm, Uppsala, Kalmar, and Spain.

We also work on international recruitment assignments through our Global Recruitment department in our offices in Los Angeles, Madrid, Barcelona, and Hamburg.

Rekrytering för en global marknad
Om företaget

Founded in 2018, the company is based on a broad international experience in recruitment and staffing.

JTC Linked AB has been developed through long-term work in the USA, Spain, France, the Netherlands, the UK, and South America, where we have matched expertise with global players in the Life Science, Data Science, Management & Leadership, Science, and Technology and Industry sectors.

Meet our dedicated team

Nelly Andersson,
M.Sc., M.D.
070-823 77 22

Ksenia Mikhaylova,
Recruitment Consultant & Team Manager
072-220 62 03

Katarina Abelin,
Recruitment Consultant & Job Coach
070-844 08 52

Natasa Petrovic,
Recruitment Consultant & Job Agent
072-220 69 63

Emma Bergvall, B.A.,
Study and Career Counselor


Main office


Do you need help, or do you have other questions?